Handling it, one moment at a time. I taught a self-compassion class this morning, and am teaching one on forgiveness next weekend. I teach what I need to learn. I do believe in the heart practices - putting my hand on my heart has been a huge help. But to find my way out of constriction especially in attachment situations can be SO tough!

I listened to a talk by Donald Rothburg the other day, where he gave a helpful radiating heart meditation and said he has months where he practices this all day - sending love while he’s swimming, eating, whatever. That felt helpful but the crux is actually doing it….

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Fatherhood, drinking cacao, listening to heart-opening music, and prayerfully befriending Jesus Christ have all been helpful on my heart-healing journey

Thanks for the interesting post 🙏🏼❤️‍🔥

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The Shady Dragon Inn also works well because it's a reuse of a 1980s D&D publication, so anyone can show up there without getting too stressed about "realness" or gravitas, or any of the other things which often prevent us from redistributing attention.

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We have a place called the Shady Dragon Inn where we imagine pieces coming together. When we notice part of us in pain, we invite into name and form, and to join us there. It usually begins to express itself, and other pieces naturally show up, entering into loving dialogue. Sometimes the conversants are familiar voices from our internal pantheon or external popular forms, but sometimes they're just evanescent forms, hazy sketches of person hood.

This happens most easily when we've addressed basic matters like a messy apartment and taking a shower.

We feel that a large part of why this works for us is not entering into it with the intention to address or change something about the dynamic. It's simply noticing that some process appears to be shut out of consciousness, and maybe it would enjoy having a seat at the table, being given space inside of the beings that are the other parts of us.

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